Monday, November 3, 2008

Assignment 8

The tool I tried was the Google Docs online collaboration tool. The major advantage of this tool is how it makes it easy to sharing a document with multiple people, who in turn can download and edit the documents with out the mess. An example of how people were using this tool was for a group project for school. Everyone sent their specific section of the project for peer review. Then everyone peer reviewed the other group members sections. Once that was complete they pasted the project together and gave it a final review before completing it.
As for me, I have never used web tools like Google Docs or Zoho before this Web 2.0 assignment so I have no purpose or opinion of it. If I would use this tool though, I have several ideas. One would be the example mentioned before for group projects or labs. I could also use it as an Internet storage site for my school documents. I could also use it to do web based projects such as news letters or to collaborate data for research purposes with the help of other people.

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